Some definitions of color in textile dyeing

Some definitions of color in textile dyeing: 1. Pure color: A color with which no other color is mixed is called pure color or solid color. All primary colors are solid colors. 2. Some definitions of color in textile dyeing-Broken color: When a color is made by mixing more than one color it is…

The natural effect of primary and secondary colors

The natural effect of primary and secondary colors: Introduction: Primary and secondary colors are all different colors. Some of them are brighter and more attractive, and some are less bright, less attractive, transparent, or opaque. Some color brings happiness to mind, and some color brings sadness to the mind. Below are the characteristics of primary…

Use of different classes of colors in dyeing

Use of different classes of colors in dyeing: Primary color: Primary colors are used in dyeing mills to create very warm, bright, pleasingly attractive colors. It is also used in various dyeing industries. Primary colors are used to produce secondary and tertiary colors. Through this, deep red, yellow, and blue colors are produced. Use…


Classification and objects of colors in textile

Classification and objects of colors in textile: Classification of color: Colors can be mainly divided into two categories. i.e. 1. Simple color. 2. Compound color. 1. Simple color: Colors that do not yield any other colors when broken down or analyzed are called simple colors. According to pigment theory, Red, Blue, and Yellow are called…

Application of modified color in textile industries

Application of modified color in textile industries: Introduction: Dyes have many practical applications for coloring fibers, yarns, and fabrics in the textile industry. Transforming dyes are used to create various color effects in textile products. are its uses (a) Application of modified color in textile industries-Mixed color effect: Color effects can be produced by…

What is modification of color in textile industries

What is modification of color in textile industries: Introduction: Colors that are created differently from primary, secondary, and tertiary colors are called modifications of color. Colors can be modified in the following three ways: 1. By mixing with black color. 2. By mixing with white color. 3. By mixing with another color. 1. What is…


Contrast of color its definition and classification

Contrast of color its definition and classification: Definition of contrast of color: Contrast means mismatch. When two contrasting colors are used side by side in a design, neither of the colors will have a consistent tone on the eye’s screen. Because of this, each color is affected by the surrounding color. So the comparative difference…

Finishing process in textile wet processing

Finishing process in textile wet processing

Finishing process in textile wet processing: 1. Calendering. 2. Embossing. 3. Stentering. 4. Anti-creasing. 5. Sanforizing. 6. Mercerizing. 7. Washing. 9. Water Proofing. 10. Moth and mildew proofing. 11. Fireproofing 1. Calendering: Calendering is a method of finishing the fabric by bringing a slight change, smoothness, and softness to the fabric with the help of…